We believe that in this "information age" exploration of high resolution spatial data is the key to assemble knowledge required for decision making.
Flood Modelling
- - Anderson Inlet (for Gippsland Coastal Board)
- - Lochsport (for Gippsland Coastal Board)
- - Melbourne (Runoff integrated) - need access (for City of Melbourne)
- - Sydney - need access (for CRCSI & Dept. of Climage Change)
Mapping Projects
- - Building footprints (for Melbourne Water)
- - Forest Overstorey and Understorey (for Melbourne Water)
- - Imperviousness mapping (for Melbourne Water)
- - Trees mapping (for Growth Areas Authority)
- - Detailed LULC mapping - with roofs, trees etc. (for Bayside City Council and City of Melbourne)
GIS Analysis
- - DCI and Effective Impervious modelling (for Melbourne Water)
- - Landscape Modelling (for Growth Areas Authority)
- - Development of higher order stream network (for Growth Areas Authority & Melbourne Water)
- - River Health Works Integration (for Melbourne Water)
- - DEM and Contours development (for Melbourne Water)
- - Catchment hydrological modelling (for Melbourne Water)
- - Development of catchments at various levels (for Melbourne Water)
- - Geocoding (for United Energy)
Visualisation Projects
- - Web-GIS or Flash-GIS (for above flood modelling)
- - 3D modelling (for Growth Areas Authority)
- - Visibility Analysis( for Growth Areas Authority)
GIS & Remote Sensing Training
Introduction to GIS
Advanced GIS
Grid-Cell Modelling
Introduction to Remote Sensing
Ortho Rectification
Image Classification